I had my baby 3 days past her due date 5/12/16 at 6am in an ambulance on the way to the hospital

I had my baby 3 days past her due date 5/12/16 at 6am in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. Labor onset happened so fast i didnt have time to think about getting to my delivering hospital so i ended up at the one closest to my parents since thats where i had spent the week. (20 miles from mine) Ended up with a 2nd degree tear that isnt very bothersome.. due to her rapid decent. She has some facial bruising also because of her quick arrival. First my water bag popped, i felt a bulge trying to come out then swooosshhhh...the next push was babys head and the next was shoulders and rest of baby.. i didnt think i would or could ever deliver without epidural but with such a fast delivery i was so greatful it was over. The contractions were the worst not her decent. It sounds like a horror story and i wouldve thought the same had i known how this pregnancy would end but it was my best birth experience yet. I tried to time contractions for an hour like i was told but that was my mistake because they started off fairly close and strong.. i should've known since i had 2 before..but with so many false alarms this pregnancy i wasnt sure.. The healing is no different than my others and i had some privacy in the back of that ambulance which is nice.. but boy the doctors were EVERYWHERE when we got to the hospital lol. Baby Lorelei is very healthy and always hungry.. thanks glow for getting me the info i needed to get me through everyday. Its funny because my.birth plan requests were simple, i wanted delayed cord clamping, to give birth in a quiet setting and to wear my own clothes.. well i got all 3 wishes just not how i expected lol. Im so blessed and greatful to have my baby girl home and in my arms and i want to wish the best for everyone here through there pregnancies and birth experience god bless!