also, I feel like another woman would multiply whatever insecurities I was feeling. then I wouldn't be able to enjoy the experience cause I'd be too busy thinking "her whatever is nicer than mine" or "what if he ends up liking her more than me because she's different" or things like that. no way.
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It's actually REALLY fun:) it wasn't too long ago (maybe a week) that I had my first threesome. Two guys and meeee I wouldn't recommend it with a partner because feelings like jealousy can arise and that's not good for a relationship, but enjoying a threesome when you're single is a great experience!But as a warning some may see it as trashy or "slutty" but there's nothing wrong with enjoying sex. It's a natural thing:)
You have to be completely confident in yourself and your relationship. I have had a few threesomes but only 1 with my SO that I'm in love with, and I probably will never do it again but I'm happy I did it, I trust him even more.