A 1 hour labor 😰😰

I went to my 40 week checkup last Tuesday where my midwife told me baby looked (by the size of my belly) to be about 7 1/2 lbs and that she didn't think he'd make it to be 8 but didn't seem concerned that we were going to pop any time too soon. So we got back in the truck and drove home (an hour away). We had been home maybe 20 minutes when my water broke (right on top of my new rug, of course) and what seemed like a gallon of fluid kept gushing out. So I got in the tup to wash up, where I started have some mild contractions, so I just stayed there. They got more intense and closer together and I had been in the tub using the shower wand to sooth my belly when the contractions started getting intense, REALLY INTENSE. So we packed up and hit the road. We were 10 minutes from the birth center when I started to feel the need to push. And when I say feel the need, I mean I was going to push and no one could stop me, especially not myself. We got to the birth center seconds after a contraction, I hobbled out of the truck and onto a bed, where I removed my skirt and adult diaper (don't judge, it was a brilliant idea) and started to bear down. The midwife arrived about a minute later, and 5 minutes after that I delivered a 9 lb 2oz beautiful baby boy. We cleaned up, nursed a while and two hours later headed home to enjoy our new prince. So there you go. The longest car ride ever, followed by the shortest labor ever.