Hadessah Valeria


Hadessah Valeria

This one was for sure my most natural childbirth experience out my three. With my first two, boys, 13 yrs apart was either a 20 mins mild labor or induction (had complications with both at delivery time)...this little girl gave me the best experience of a natural childbirth!!

I had come to the hospital at lunch time on Friday with contractions about 7 mins apart, when checked I was already 3.5 cms dilated but was sent home because my contractions according to the monitor weren't strong nor picked often as I claimed indicating I wasn't in true labor and more likely would take me another week...then went home, my contractions got stronger and closer but still irregular, so I called the L&D and they told me to either wait for regular strong contraction 3-5 mins apart or my water to break. After taking my toddler for a short walk around the neighborhood, and going grocery shopping: that same evening still my contractions were very irregular, but very strong but this time - unlike my prior two - my water broke on its own, it was time to make it to the hospital!

When I got there, the same doctor that discharged me earlier checked me and I was 9 and 0 dilated, needless to say, there was only enough time to check me into a room and this princess was here...didn't even have time to give me pain killers since I went from 9 to 10 in a matter of seconds.

Sometimes your education is respected, but perhaps other times I guess natural mother instincts can be more accurate...I made this observation to this doctor.