Pooping On Your Period

Does anybody else experience extreme pain while pooping on their period 😂?
  Today I sat on the toilet for 20 minutes, crying and cursing like a sailor because I needed to poop but I couldn't beacuse my tampon was in, and I can't take out my tampon because my cramp makes it too painful to pull out 😂 So anyways, I attempted to pull out my Tammy and it felt like my anus was being torn apart and I'm like oh my lord... So I leave it alone for a minute or two and I go at it again. I start literally crying so hard because I'm dedicated to pull it out, I'm grunting and doing my battle cry and stuff. Keep in mind I'm in a house full of family. Who knows what was going on in their mind 😂 So I take a break, and I'm like okay, okay, just relaaaaaaxx. Tears running down my face and all, I dramatically pull out the tampon with a victorious battle cry! After the pain of what I just did passes, I realize that if my anus was hurting that bad from a tampon in my vag, does that mean it'll be worse when I poop? I give it a little push to test it out, OH MY LORD I ALMOST DIED. It felt like my anus was dipped in the fiery pits of hell and that turd in my butt just slurped itself right back up 😂 disgusted yet? There's more. So I attempt like 4 more times to get this thing out of me, tears running down my face, my hands cradling my body for comfort. Five minutes of sitting there later, I reason with myself that the pain is only for right now. If I can just push through it, it'll be over soon. So I give a hard, quick push, the push of no return and instantly regret it. I hold on to the toilet for dear life so that I don't tear my butt hole to peices, and once it's out I find myself to be sprawled across the toilet wincing and shivering from the monstrosity that I've created. Once the reality of what just happens settles, I sit there and question what I'm doing with my time. I just sat on a toilet for 20 minutes, crying and swearing, panicking and worrying that I'll never be able to poop again. Cursing the gods for inventing period cramps and poop. So there I am, for another 10 minutes, thinking about my life and wondering if I'm allowed to call myself pathetic yet. And suddenly I realize how insanely hilarious this was and I just start laughing so maniacally. And I think my butt still wasn't ready for any sort of movement, so I was kinda cry/laughing/whimpering. And yeah. That's my poop story. But what I'm reeeeaallyy wondering is, IM NOT THE ONLY ONE, RIGHT? 😂 like other people experience painful poops on their period too right? I hope I'm not the only one 😂 and if I am I hope you were entertained by my misery 💩👍🏻 (the worst part is when the blood mixes in with the poop and you just gotta cleaaaan dat all up) No Bueno.