Nipple discharge...?

About tired of my left breast and its issues.
Lately I've been having nipple discharge. It's clear and has no odor. I can't force it it just leaks out sometimes. Nothing big, just a few drops here and there. 
I had a check up late last year because of a similiar incident with brown fluid. After the check up, it was decided it was just a little cyst with some blood in it that would go away on its own. And it did. But now I have this nipple discharge that is clear and only coming out of my left breast. I was told it could be a hormone imbalance and that would make sense since I started a new birth control but it has been happening even before that I just was never able to see it and I just thought I was feeling phantom wetness for no reason. I'm trying to get a doctors appt but they're so busy this time of year it's hard. And I live in a small town and the lady doctor is only there a few days a week. Is this something I should get checked out immediately?