No pain meds no epidural!! :)) You can do it!

This is my labor and delivery story. I know not everyone is the same and everyone has a different situation. But for the most part I think that most of us can give birth all natural if you put your mind to it. You just have to be firm in your decision. You can't be lukewarm. Giving birth is a hard thing to do. Here is my story :))
So Sunday on March 6th at 8pm I took half of the pill the doctor said to see if it will get my labor started. I was still not dilating with a high cervix from my last check up. The real contractions started around 10:40. At 1am I was 2cm dilated. Than the intense labor started around 2am. At 4:45 I was in the bathtub with the most intense contractions and my body was telling me I needed to push. So I told the nurse I want to go in bed. After that at 5:20 I had a few more intense contractions I was ready. My body was pushing as if baby was coming. I told the nurse I'm having the urge to push. She checks my cervix and I was fully dilated ready to go. At 6:16 my baby girl came out. 
I didn't take any meds or epidural. I was more scared of the shot than coping with the pain honestly. The best help I had through my 7 hour labor was my husband massaging my tailbone through every contraction. He literally massaged me for 7 hours that's why I was able to tolerate the pain. It was amazing. I wouldn't have done it without his help tho. The best part about not taking pain meds or the shot was that I felt so good right away. The pain of labor and delivery disappeared instantly. I told the doctor I'm ready to go home. Lol. My husband watched me give birth and said I was a beast. But I would do it all over again :))