I started having contractions but I thought it was Braxton Hicks contractions until they wouldn't st...

Quanshae • I can't wait until I meet my baby Zari 😍😍💞💞
I started having contractions but I thought it was Braxton Hicks contractions until they wouldn't stop nd kept getting closer me closer... I went to the bathroom to use it but wen I use it my mucus plug felled out... So off to the hospital I went... Wen I got there I was already 4 cm dilated... Nd I got alil bit of medicine in my ivy but all it did was put me to sleep.. I still felt the pain so basically I had her natural cause wen it was time to push I felt everything.. I was in labor for 4hrs... I had her at 4:54 am... My Princess Zariyana Sha'Coryia Young 😍😍😍👶👶😘😘