Our little Angel

I want to make everyone aware that decreased fetal movement isn't a joke. If you can't feel your baby kicking in the time they are supposed to be kicking then something isn't right. I was 29 weeks pregnant and for about a week I had DFM. My husband kept insisting I go to the doctor so finally I did. I went a hospital in the city where I work and they had me hooked up to a heart beat monitor for about an hour and said everything was fine. A couple days later I still didn't feel right about this so I went to see my doctor. He hooked me up to a monitor for about an hour. After that, he sent me to the hospital because something wasn't right. They did an ultrasound on me and my baby only tested 6 of 8 on the test they do ( I can't for the life of my think of the name of it ) anyways, he doctor told me that my baby was measuring smaller than it should be, he was more he size of a 26 weeker and not 29. They kept me over night and said a c-section may be in my near future. I was scared. They hooked me up to an IV and gave me a steroid shot to help the baby's lungs and I was given magnesium to help protect the brain.  The next morning they had a high risk specialist come in and do another ultra sound test on me. Baby only scored 2 of 8 this time. It had decreased that much in less than 12 hours. I was given two steroid shots and it was determined that I was to have the baby that morning.  At 10:50 I gave birth to my son, CJ. Carl James was only 1 lb and 11 oz. and was actually a very healthy baby , doc said we got him out just in time. He did so well in the NICU for the first two days. I got to hold him the day after he was born and all of his numbers were amazing, like he knew it. Then my husband got to hold his little guy, numbers great again. Then things started to go down hill. We aren't exactly sure what happened to our little guy because we didn't want an autopsy done but his doctor thought he was stressed from being so small and had bleeding on his brain. They tested his blood for infection after he passed and that wasn't it. So, out little guy lived 3 days. And 5 days after he passed we buried him. I'm telling you this because you need to trust your gut while your pregnant and always. If I would have waiting a day longer, he would have been still born. After all this happened we went to a high risk doctor to see if they had any idea why he stopped growing. He had some of my blood tested and it came back showing I had protein S deficiency which is a clotting disorder. He thought my placenta was clotting and not giving the baby all the things he needed to keep growing normally. So, I was then sent to a hematologist who tested my blood again and everything came back normal. Even my protein s. So he wanted me to come back in 3 months and be tested again. And again, everything normal. We've been given the green light to try again but my doctors all think I'll be on a baby aspirin and a blood thinner while pregnant. We are hoping to try again soon and hope everything goes well for us. Please keep us in your thoughts. Here are so photos of our Angel baby, CJ.