Baby made an early arrival!

Lisa🍼 • FTM, age 28. Baby is due 6/3/16!

I was due June 3rd but went to the hospital Saturday (twice) and was sent home (twice). I had contractions 5 min apart but I just would not dilate past 3cm!

I didn't sleep that night because the contractions got worse and more frequent. My fiance drove me back at 5am Sunday morning in terrible pain. They gave me some morphine in hopes that I'd fall asleep and dilate if I were relaxed and it worked! I woke up at 5cm dilated and they broke my water around 6pm. I labored until 3:07am Monday when my sweet baby finally arrived!

I won't lie, laboring was the worst pain of my life but life everyone says, completely worth it. I did have an epidural and was glad I did!

Colby was born 5/16/16 at 37.2 weeks. 20 inches long and weighing in at 7lbs 15oz.