Great deal!

Mrs. Abigail Romo • 24 y/o with a 4 y/o daughter. Very happily married to my best friend for over 1 year now.... Pansexual. We're just waiting for that light at the end of the tunnel (my baby boy, Emiliano Tomas Romo) 😍

I'm super excited for the travel system I got for baby boy. Baby Trend 1st Debut.

189.99 All you pay is tax, shipping is free. Total was 202.00. It arrived at the store 2 days later.

It includes the most comfy car seat I could find, it has memory foam. This was something I really wanted for baby so he's not uncomfortable during long rides, if needed. Also the stroller basket lays flat to make it a bassinet. And you can remove the stroller basket and replace it with the car seat to make a baby carriage.

I'm in love and too excited to use it for baby! Just wanted to share my choice, since I know how hard it is to decide on these things! Good luck and good vibes to everyone. 😊✌