I feel like a horrible mother!

Amanda • MamaBear❤
My daughter is 20 months old. I have had a bad habbit of letting myself fall asleep when she goes down for her nap. I dont wake uo when she does. My mom has to wake me up. (We have been living with my family, for over a year, while my husband and I get the trailer fixed up.) On top of this I can barely get her to eat anything at meal times. It is a fight at breakfast. Lunch all I can get her to eat is a cup of fruit and maybe some peanut butter. Dinner she gets what we all have, but a lot of the time she won't eat it. Tonight she had a plate with baked potato and some steak. (She is capable of eating this) instead of eating she screamed and cried and hit her head on the table. Everyone got ice cream for dessert. I decided to try hiding the food with the ice cream. It didnt work she pulled the meat out after swallowing the ice cream. Then I get told I shouldn't have done that. That she shouldn't be getting ice cream. I am at a loss here. Not to mention I'm a hormonal mess. I am due with our second kid June 17th and I can't help but ask myself what the heck I was thinking. :(