Any other step moms?????


I'm not married.. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now.

He has 2 kids with his ex wife. 9year old son (almost 10) and 3 year old daughter (almost 4). I've helped raise his kids since his daughter was 10 months old!!

I was never a kid person. I fell in love with this man. (11years older than me). And he had kids. I fell in love with him and his kids.. something I never thought would happen.

I look at these kids as my own. Love them as my own. I want the best for them. Want the happy, healthy, respectful, caring, well mannered all around good kids.

Their mother has made things very hard on us. Not only does she get $800 a month in child support... she also doesn't spend a dime on the kids. We still buy them new shoes, clothes, school supplies, school clothes, everything they need/want we get. And they always come to us in rags and dirty. I get kids get dirty playing outside.... but I make sure they are dressed in clean clothes and cleaned up before leaving the house....

My boyfriend and I just had our son in February and his kids love him very much and treat him very lovingly. 😍 they are great kids. They have their moments of course.

I honestly believe the kids would benefit so much more if we had full custody. But times are hard and we can't afford a lawyer to fight his ex.

Their mother doesn't discipline them.. hell we were all at the hospital in January and she encouraged the kids to play on a hospital phone. Wtf?

Anyway. The kids act like brats with their mother... their father and I aren't so lenient. They know what's expected and for the most part they are great with us.

I'm just struggling being a step mom/parent. I'm struggling being a mom at all.

I still don't fully feel like a mom even though I gave birth to my son. I feel messed up or something.

I have no step parent friends and I'm just looking for people to talk to who may understand or... may have advise on how to be a better parent. I feel stupid. Like shouldn't it be magically programmed into my head on how to be...

*sigh* if you've made it this far thank you very much for taking the time to read... long posts can be a pain sometime. So Thank you.

I just wish I had friends who understood or knew where I'm coming from. I have friends who have kids and they look at me like I'm mental and sick when I talk about being a confused stepmom/mother..

I'm 25 and I'm a stay at home mom.. I would LOVE to work and help build towards my families future but not possible right now.. 😯

Thanks for reading! 💖💜💙💚💛