18 and pregnant

Okay my name is Ellie and I'm 18, I am pregnant and it wasn't planned, I was on the pill and as far as I can remember I didn't miss one, i got told there was other reasons for the pill to not work like having a funny stomach so it doesn't digest properly and so on. I am very dozy though 🙈 and I could have missed one without realising. I started to wake up every morning feeling very sick but not vomiting and my family kept saying to me are you sure your not pregnant! I didn't think for one second I was pregnant I wasn't vomiting so I just thought I was sick like a bug or something. I became a bit more suspicious when the sickness started to go at around 1 or 2 o'clock ... And then came the missed period !! But I thought oh it's just my periods being irregular but I went the doctors anyway because I was determined I had just a bug .. The doctors offered me a pregnancy test which I said I didn't need but took anyway and it came up positive 😓 at the time I was distraught and wouldn't believe it it just wasn't real to me so I took two more which also came up positive ... I was so devastated and upset and my boyfreind who has always treated me well more than nice was so supportive to what I wanted to do, he said he would be there either way .. Now in my opinion I have always been against abortions .. I mean i see it as so many people want children and can't have them and by getting an abortion I'm taking away someone else's dream and also destroying   a life ( that's just my opinion) so getting an abortion wasn't an option for me my family pushed and pushed to make me try and get one but it wasn't the choice I wanted  .. I am 11 weeks now and still getting over the shock but I have had a scan and I have fallen in love with my baby and even though I'm a young mum and my boyfreind will be a young dad I think we are ready I am in college and my boyfriend has an apprenticeship for a very good money job, I am also doing a legal secretary course in college, and I know this will postpone my career and it won't be as easy I know I'll eventually have one ... And that's my story ... I am due on the 7 December 2016