My birth story finally! 👶🏻

Sunday morning I woke up and went to the bathroom and had my bloody show! I had my sisters graduation to go to and was supposed to be induced on Tuesday so was hoping he would wait a day! Around 4 I started having some mild contractions they weren't to bad but they started in my back. I didn't time them but if I would have I would say they were like 30 min apart. They went on like this till about 8pm and that's when I started to time them and they were 3 min apart and started to get increasingly more painful. After about an hour I called L&D and they told me to drink water and lay down and wait an hour. At that point I was in so much pain I woke my husband up and told him it was time to go! We got to the hospital around 10 pm and I was 5cm. They decided to admit me. I'm a huge baby so I told them I want an epidural asap!! At about 11 pm right before the dr got there to give me an epi they checked me again and I was at an 8cm and starting to worry I wouldn't have time for a epi!! At some point between the 5 cm and the 8cm I puked up everything I had eaten all day!! 😕 I finally got my epi and was told to try and get some rest and let them know if I needed to push. Now it's probably 1 am and I start feeling like I want to push. Keep in mind my water has not broke yet! My nurse comes in and checks me again and tells me that I am a 10 and my water bag is bulging! So try to practice push and he is ready! She tells me to wait just a min so they can get the room ready! While we are waiting we are told that there is another woman that is ready to push and doesn't have an epi so the  on call dr is going to help her first! So we wait. It is about 2:30 am when the dr finally gets there and I start to push. My water bag explodes all over the place and my little man is finally on his way out!! After 17 min of pushing we got to welcome our little Liam into this world at 8lbs 8oz 20.5 in long with a full head of hair! Our little bundle of perfection is finally here at 2:47 on 5/16/16!!! 
This is big sister meeting baby brother for the first time!!