Does your baby use a pacifier?

Please comment why or why not. 

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Because I then have problems with breastfeeding because of the nipple feelings and the pacifier feeling. Happened to my 1st. Didn't want the boob no more since he got more used to bottles nipples and pacifiers. 


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I breastfed my son until he was 18months and used pacifiers. I found the BEST pacifier at was made so the pacifier wouldn't affect the growth of teeth but worked out for breastfeeding as well.  I forgot the brand name 😔 but I know forsure it was not Nuk!


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Did not really plan to give her one but with awful colic and reflux whatever kept her content and quiet! She has it now when shes sleepy and ready for a nap or bed.


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I voted no. He just didn't want one 😐


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We did because my boobs needed a tiny break. My son was constantly needing to suckle and over eating due to high supply. Binky saved me lol.


jay • May 19, 2016
no, I didn't introduce it for 2ish weeks. We had a tommy tippy one. we breastfed for 1+ years it didn't complicate his feeding. we didn't do bottles though.


Dymind • May 19, 2016
So using a paci didn't confuse your baby when it was time to breastfeed?


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I introduced one around 5 weeks with my little guy. We breastfeed and he was definitely a comfort nurser. He only uses it if I'm in the shower and he's crying, in the car/store, and nap times if he just ate well. I still comfort nurse frequently, but sometimes I need a little break :) He hasn't had any confusion and it helps us! 


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No. He just doesn't like them. Never has. 


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I didn't plan to use one but my baby literally came out sucking on everything haha- she even had a huge blister on her hand from sucking on it in my tummy!🙈then after birth shed suck on EVERYTHING- blankets, me, her fingers, etc. so I just started directing that to the paci when she needs it. Luckily she'll just use it to calm herself when she needs and then spit it right out when she's done! A paci can definitely be a tough call. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer and it's definitely a baby by baby situation! The important part is weaning baby off of it at the appropriate time.


Ali • May 18, 2016
Ps- I should mention however that my daughter is bottle fed so the nipple confusion issue didn't matter for us which makes a difference


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My sister didn't give her children pacifiers because she breast fed and sometimes they won't latch on right if you give them pacifiers