Comments made to pregnant women


So today was a terrible day, emotion wise.

First of all idk what my baby is doing but I had alot of pelvic pressure today, causing a terrible waddle. I've been wearing my glasses to work bc one of my contacts has a bubble in it from wearing it too long, which makes my confidence already plummit.

So all day at work I've heard how tired I no shiz I have two younger kids I take care of after my full time job, and I can barely sleep anymore...OF COURSE I'm tired.

So I walk into lunch and this guy says did I just see your twin sister walk out? (Bc I went to go fill up my water bottle after I set my stuff down at the table and passed him) he's a akward guy anyway, so I left the table again to go get a spoon and I walk back and everyone is laughing and the guy who made the comment told me to slap the guy next to me... I knew a comment was made about me but I said I didn't want know because I heard the one say well she's the only pregnant person here , so after lunch the first guy who made the twin sister comment said I really should of slapped him, because he asked if the severely over weight man I work with was who the guy was referring to as my twin sister. I laughed it off but it really hurt my feelings. Then I hear this lady I don't even know say loud down the hall say woooow she's about to drop! It's like seriously people learn some sensitivity. ..

I'm tired of hearing all the comments just bc I'm pregnant doesn't give ppl the right to make me free game for jokes. I'm overly stressed out already and over tired.

The second thing is my bf mom didn't want nothing to do with my shower as "she didn't get a babyshower for her third kid" so I was forced to plan it by myself bc my bf wanted to have one for me, now four days before my shower decides she wants to come in and save the day and is asking me a million questions and turning this baby shower into something so Complicated when I was just doing a super simple bbq, I don't need any more stress!!!

Then my daughter just cut off all her bangs.

Sorry if this is confusing. I just needed to vent