Need to vent about my MIL

I have a 3 month old who is the first grandchild on both sides. This past weekend my daughter ended up seeing my family sat and sun and my in laws didn't see her at all. It wasn't intentional (there are weekends when my parents don't see her and my in laws will) Well, my mil wrote us a long email about how we left them out and they want their grandchild to know them. Mind you, this is over one weekend. She said family is more important than friends (we had plans to see friends on Sunday). 
She then texted my husband telling him that "I was too wound up in my family." That pissed me off. Once again, this is over one weekend. We had an issue like this before when my daughter was first born. They were going to come visit but we cancelled because we didn't get a lot of sleep...having a newborn and all. Well, she didn't like that and flipped. 
I ended up having a conversation with her the other day about all of this and tried to calm her down and I think it helped. 
Me on the other hand- where the hell do I go from here?! I think this has ruined our relationship. I can't get past the things she's said.