
Alisa • Hoping this app helps us TTC
Hey guys I'm Alisa. So my hubby and I have been ttc for 6 months now and still nothing. I'm starting to doubt ill ever get pregnant and it's really depressing. I'm 23 and have wanted nothing more then to be a mother for as long as I can remember. I'm about to start chartin when I get my BBT thermometer next Thursday but I was kinda hoping to figure out how, with my cycle, to figure out the best time to use an opk to test for ovulation. I'm at my wits end here. I am getting a bad tooth removed later today and I'm working on losing some weight as well as stop smoking because I know all this can play a big factor in trying to concieve. I'm hoping this charting thing will help a little too so here's my question if I have a 45 or 46 day cycle and my follicular phase is 28 and my lutal phase is 21 and auntflow visited on the 7th of this month when should I test for ovulation and when would be the next time to look for aunt flow? Also how would I go about checking my cervix postioning and stuff like I said before I'm new to all of this