I feel lost and empty

Ariana • Forever in our hearts Amara Ivy 2.29.16 Rainbow Baby 2.7.17

It's been about two and half months since I lost my little girl at 22 weeks.

I miss her everyday. Some days are better than others and then there's days like today.. Were I wake up and all I do is wish she was still here. I'd be 33 weeks of she was still her.. Just 6 more to go and she would be her alive. She was 1.1oz and 12 inches long so small yet so powerful she was beautiful she was perfect. Living without your child is the hardest thing surviving sucks when Some days you wish you wouldn't.

I need something I need to fill that emtyness and the only way I feel like is to get pregnant again to have her brother and sister to show her what the amaazing mom I'm.. I just want to make me baby girl proud. I know it's soon to try again But I can't keep living wishing there was a baby in me.. Everyday my heart breaks again..

Living right now just sucks..