A letter to my still born daughter I love you

Ariana • Forever in our hearts Amara Ivy 2.29.16 Rainbow Baby 2.7.17

You were perfect.. All 1.1 oz and 12 inches of you. I have never seen someone so beautiful. They day I gave birth to you my world fell apart.. You died you had been dead for days you can't prepare someone no matter how long you have that when your baby is born he or she will not cry will not move.. It was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. My world fell apart.. And I'm struggling to put it back together because you the little lifeless body that showed me what true love is. Love is not seeing someone but loving them with every inch of your soul. Love is hurting so bad but at the same time you feel joy for getting the pleasure to know them the little time you had. Love is seeing your baby dead yet knowing you wouldn't trade it for the world because that is your baby and even though things didn't go the way we planned you are still perfect you are still the best you were still my daughter.

Life is hard moving on is hard waking up is hard everything I do is hard because i lost you... Yet I wouldn't change it for the world because you are perfect.. I held the most perfect human being in my arms not everyone can say that and for that reason im alive I'm living I'm survivng without you because nothing in this world has made my life more complete then you my daughter.