Advice on how to get my lo on a schedule?


My lo is 2 months and few days old, and I have been trying to get her on to a schedule, I try to keep her up as much as I can during the day but once my lo falls asleep she out for two to three hours for a nap during the day! And when she does stay awake for a good amount of time during the day she does great at night. But I am having troubles durning the day now with little naps and sometimes at night before she goes to bed she ether falls asleep earlier and won't sleep when she is supposed to or she doesn't want to go to bed and fights it.

What can I do to keep her awake when she needs too and how can I help her go to sleep when she is supposed to. I try bathing her with nighttime wash and massage her after and put warm PJs on her and then feed her and then rock her to sleep. Thank you for your time! I am a first time mom and I just want my peanut to be on a schedule and I need sleep as well, since my husband can't always help me due to his job and he sleeps like a rock and won't wake up for anything.