Crib training

My little Mia is seven weeks today. She is a great baby and has seem to gone through a small colicky phase but she is outgrowing it. I go back to work this Monday. I have my mother and a family friend coming to the house to watch her. I would like her to SLOWLY start transitioning to the crib but she absolutely wants nothing to do with it. I've played with her in the crib, laid her down while half asleep. Rocked her before the crib. Laid her down completely passed out. Nursed her before crib. Elevated one side of the crib. You get the point-- but no matter what I do she wakes up screaming within 3 minutes. I only am starting with her daytime naps for now. Any suggestions ladies??? 
And don't worry she doesn't sleep in the boppy, but this picture shows what adorable screaming child I'm working with❤️