No period no postive. foot cramps and headaches

Hey there 
New to this so forgive my wrighting! 
Basicly my cycle is usualy 33 days I am now in my 44th day.
All four test I hae done over the past week have said negative. 
I've been having wierd cramp in my feet when I am in bed. Not sleeping well. Headaches etc
Today I thought I was having period pains but they Actualy felt like the overy come down? 
Anyways there now just a per ment nagging pain in my pelvic area and below belly.
I've tried to book doctors but no appointments for a week even then can't book until the Monday comes.
What do you guys think? 
I was scared it was something sinster like eptopic etc. 
What should I do does this sound like pregnancy.
Hope I am so does my hubby but the tests are saying otherwise :( x