"I left my kid in the car."...."The cop told me I was just making excuses."...😠What?!

These are the comments I read from a woman who wrote an article about her experience with leaving her kids (infant amd toddler) in the car for a "quick" trip in the grocery store, someone calling the cops, and having CYF investigate.

When she got caught, she told the cops..."my infant was sick." "I just needed to run in and get medicine, i couldnt take him feeling like that." It's not hot outside." "It was just for a few minutes."

Then she proceeds to say " the cop told me I was just making excuses when I wasnt." Um...those ARE EXCUSES.

Why and how would anyone even publish this article, siding with her and making it seem like it's such a sad thing that THIS happened to HER? She put her kids' lives at risk. Even if, as she says, "infant was just for a few minutes." Totally unacceptable at any young age to do this to your children.

Just needed to rant about it because the article made it seem like she was being punished for nothing!