Dragging days...feeling down

I'm 37w1d. I've been having Braxton hicks since 35 weeks. I've been cut off of sex and exercise since December 2nd due to a cervical cerclage. I finally gave in and told hubs we could have sex once I was 37 weeks since I know we will be cut off again once baby comes. Almost immediately after I started having major cramps and they continued for over 3 hours and then finally went away. At my last two checks, she said his head was "right there" but I was closed. 
Today I go to my appt with hopes of some progress because of all the cramps, BH, and pressure. NOTHING!! She said his head wasn't even as low this time and I'm still completely closed up. (Yes, you can still dilate somewhat even with a cerclage). To top it off, she said she's leaving next Thursday for a Memorial Day weekend trip and I will flip if she isn't the one to do my c section (which is currently scheduled for June 1, but feels like light years away). So she says "have a talk with baby and let him know to come next week, or wait until June 1!" 
I come home and tell hubs about the appt and he says absolutely no more sex because of the pain it caused me and because he wants to enjoy the days we have with our 3yo until new baby comes. 
I'm just SO done being pregnant!!! I know it's best for baby to stay in and cook as long as possible, but I'm just so uncomfortable and ready for him to be on the outside! 
I know, I know, be thankful I'm pregnant and able to have a baby....
I'm just done and needed to vent.