Great induction

I was induced today at 39 weeks due to shape of my pelvis. My first had complications getting through my pelvis and my Doctor wanted to prevent it this time. Pitocin was started at 630, water was artificially broken at 0830. That's when contractions really started to hurt so I got an epidural at 1000. At 1130 I was 4 cm. at 1400 I started to feel contractions. I was at a 9 but they let me labor him down until 1515 and I pushed until 1553 when he was born. It was painful to push and I had an epesiotomy. He had trouble rotating through due to my pelvis but he made it out without a scratch. So much better than my first, I had to push her out for 4 hours. He was bigger than my first so I'm so glad I did the induction.! Now he is out and is breastfeeding g like a champ