40 weeks and 4 days

I am currently 40-4 and since it's almost midnight I might as well say 40-5. I wish I could post videos on here. I wish you all could see the 3 dancing videos I did to try to make Baby J come. All of my friends think they are hilarious. One friend says that I have the wrong due date because I shouldn't be able to move like this.
I went to the dr at 40-2. I was still 2 centimeters dilated. While she was checking me she stripped my membrane. I cramped that day and that night I lost my mucus plug. 40-3 was a regular day. Today I'm 40-4 and while I was on the phone for an hour I was walking around the house, doing squats, and swaying my hips. I begin to have contractions--Braxton Hicks contractions; not the real ones. I decided to exercise by dancing hoping to turn these things into some real ones. Lol. 
After about an hour of dancing I'm still having the Braxton Hicks contractions but nothing to excite me and think that my dancing worked. I guess I'll have to wake up in the morning and do it all over again.