Upset and just need to vent, sorry if its to long.

So my husband and I haven't had sex in a while now. For one, we are trying to use protection because we just had a baby and don't want another one right away, so I finally got birth control and its been long enough its been in my system. He was already gone by the time I woke up this morning, so I thought he might come home early, so what do I do? I make a great dinner, dessert to go with it, have the baby asleep by the time he comes home so we can eat dinner and have some alone time. He comes in and wakes the baby up, he's been drinking, and it just blows a bullet threw my thinking all together. I'm so upset, he promised me he wouldnt drink anymore. Last time he drank was just about a week ago and he came in so drunk he followed me for a hour yelling in my face that I was a whore. When he's the only man I've ever slept with. Im to the point I'm tired of trying.