
I'm sitting here in the teacher's lounge fighting back tears. I don't even know who I am anymore. I loved being pregnant so much up until a few weeks ago. My ribs feel so bruised that I'm actually wondering if I got hit by a truck yesterday and lost my memory of it. To wear a bra is literally excruitiating pain. I have the famial obligation to attend my older brothers wedding in 2 weeks (when I will be 38 weeks pregnant). It's a 2 hour drive to the hall, a drive that I do not feel up to and am having anxiety over. When sitting in an upright position, especially after eating, I faint...and no dr is taking me seriously. The tears have already started since I began writing this. My ribs are throbbing and I want to just run home... Get some sort of relief in sleep that doesn't really exist. I know this is temporary. I know I'm emotional. I want my baby girl here and I don't want to be pregnant anymore. I'm hurting so badly that I can't possibly believe this is normal. I haven't been able to walk properly yesterday and today...hurts to breathe and bend and turn and talk...can it possibly be that I could've broken a rib from just being pregnant? I need some advice and encouragement. I know we're in the home stretch...I'm just really hurting.