Is it all in my head? (Pregnancy symptoms)

Hi, I'm so new to this but I need to see if anyone understands how I feel. I started having unprotected sex a few months back.. And I've had my good amount of scares but my period usually comes to save the day. But this month is different. I have personally felt sooooo different. First and foremost, my period is known to be irregular but this year we started off great and she has come very month. Last month, she came pretty early, around the 9th to be exact (started off the first few months around 20th-21st). I assumed she would be late this month because I've been a bit stressed so when the 9th came around I was chilling. May I add in that even before that I have been sleeping throughout the entire day? Anyways.. A few days after that my nipples started hurting soooo bad and have been swelling up nasty like whenever I take a shower and water hits 'em I just wanna cry. I've been so irritable lately.. I feel like a chihuahua. 😂😂 To be completely honest I've wanted to find some type of rationale in these symptoms but the thing is my nipples have NEVER looked this huge when my period was on its way. My breasts also feel a lot more heavier and bothersome, if anyone even tries to place a finger on them I FREAK out immediately. My pee pattern has definitely changed i mean the other day I was peeing every 30 minutes like why?! Haha let me see.. Oh, and I have definitely been having a bigger appetite and weird cravings here and there but maybe that's my anxiety. 🤔 Ugh and I'm a big girl, but walking and dancing is never a hassle for me.. But for 3 weeks now I get tired very easily. Hell I can't twerk as much as I would!! The last and final thing is cramping! It occurs here and there for a few minutes and mostly on my right side. No spotting, nothing! But who knows maybe my period might try to make her grand entrance soon??? Idk idk. I already took a dollar store pregnancy test and that one line came out so quick. I didn't wait the full 2 minutes and just threw it away. But when I confessed all of this to my sister she immediately suggested I see my PCP. And so I did this past Thursday the 19th.. When I told him about my symptoms he seemed so concerned.. Unfortunately I have to wait until monday for my lab results. Blahhhh! To be honest.. I'd prefer a little seed rather than anything else. But we'll see! P.S I just noticed it's 2:10 AM on the 21st lol 💋💋