My boy


I had a very easy first pregnancy in fact I didn't even know I was pregnant until 10 weeks. Fast forward to the end. I was miserable and wanted to be done. At 34 weeks I was 3cm 70%ef. I thought for sure he'd be early. He was low and ready to come at 36 weeks. However at my 40 week apt he was still there. Doctor said 4cm and 90% he stripped my membranes. That was Monday morning. Tuesday night I started leaking fluid. I decided I wasn't having bad contractions so I wanted to sleep and go in there morning. At the hospital after 1.5 in the waiting room I was finally admitted. My water was leaking a littlebut my cervix hadn't changed. They were so busy with births I was given the choice to stay or go home. I was starving so we went home watched tv and had pizza.all while my contractions were intense and 5m apart Later that night my water broke broke. Went to the hospital only to having to wait 45 min to get admitted as I'm sitting on a towel. Lol we went in and I was 6cm at 11pm. We waited all night with horrible contractions. At 8am I was only 7cm. So we continued. Drug free and pained. At noon the doctor realize there was additional amniotic sac that wasn't broke so he broke that.after an hour I had got to 9cm and I was dying I had not slept since Monday night in active labor for days. At this point it was getting dangerous cuz my water was originally ruptured so long they suggested I get an epidural put in and be given a very low dose just so I can sleep for a bit and get strength back. If by 8pm no baby they would turn up the epidural and I would be prepend for a csection. So I agreed. I had an epidural place at 9cm in the very intense part of labor. I was trying to hold still so hard that I actually ripped and pulled off my husband's jeans while I was holding on to so I got the epidural took a nap. When I woke up it was almost 4pm they had turned off my epidural and I was 10cm. So we started to push. He ended up getting stuck and having to be suction ed put but after 2 hours 40 mins pushing 21 hours of labor in the hospital and 72 hours of labor he was born at 6:40pm. He weighed 8lbs 10oz and was 23in long. I had 4 degree tears and received 12 stitches. In addition I pulled every muscle in my upper legs and hips. I could walk for a week after birth. The funniest part is I cried for hours when the actual birth was over because it went to quick.

Now I'm curious to see how this delivery will go with twins!