I need advice asap

My husband and I are going on a first real date next weekend and I have no idea what to wear.
I probably confused you what that statement so here's the long story made short behind that statement:
My husband and I drifted apart for years and became very unhappy with eachother, our relationship and ourselves and neither of us talked to the other about our feelings instead we just got cold and distant and resentful
Then my husband cheated and I ended things with him but we decided to work on us after a bunch of discussion and declarations and explanations and a new honesty above everything way of life.
So far things are going great and it's almost been a month since than.
We have had family dates that we're all great and fun and now that we have a sitter for next weekend we can have our first real date.
I don't know where he's taking me, he said it's a surprise but my sister in law told me to dress cute and comfortable but I want to look hot and sexy, I want to make him drool, please help with any suggestions, I'm not a big heel wearing female and I definitely don't find them comfortable so if there's walking involved heels is definitely a no no