Feeling fat...

Tanna • If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. ❤️ MC 6-1-16 & 8-3-17
Idk if it's the hormones or what but I still have a little belly from my 8 year old son that I've lost and then gained back lol but my phone app keeps asking me to document my belly and I'm only almost 8 weeks and every time I take a picture I just feel fat instead. :( I even sent it to one of my friends and she said I look like I might be showing and then my other "friend" basically in a round about way just said I was just fat... Really kinda hurt my feelings and I'm not sure if it's the hormones or if I should really be hurt by that comment. The picture in the white and jean shorts is the one I sent her at about 5 weeks. The second is today at 7.5 weeks