
I had my membranes stripped at 39 weeks, and still haven't had the baby. It's been 3 days since then. Like everything stalled. I thought certain signs from the membrane stripping meant it would work, but I guess not. This lil boy is gonna be so big, I'm so tired and decided to stop working already. Please pray he comes soon...otherwise I will be calling to be induced, and I didn't want to do that.
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I got my membranes stripped at 40-2 @ 1130am. Around 1030pm I started losing my mucus plug so that let me now I had dilated a little more. Originally I was 2 centimeters for about 3 or 4 weeks. I don't know what I am now...but I know I'm still damn pregnant. I'm currently 40-6 and scheduled to be induced at 41-1. I was hoping to avoid induction but it doesn't look like time is on my side. 


Whitney • May 21, 2016
I think it's the doctors...I think the dr's try to enjoy their weekends. Lol.


Laura • May 21, 2016
I was 1cm dilated since 34 weeks, then at 38 I was 2. so at 39 weeks I was 3cm and did the membrane stripping, i lost my mucus plug the next morning. I go in Monday to be checked, but its silly the hospital doesn't do inductions on weekends? really?