Baby father is a trouble in our hearts

I really need some advise ..I was in a on and off relationship with a Muslim Palestinian born in USA man..after 6 years I became pregnant again..first time ended in a miscarriage 3 years ago and it was thanks to him..I been through so much w him and his family..they didn't accept me for not being virgin and for being Spanish since begining..even got him engaged 2 times while we were togethere..well this is the second one now which he will marry in July to bring her from overseas..she knows about me ..even that I'm pregnant..that he lied to her..that we wanted this baby..and that he cheats w others ..she is 18 n he is 33 .I was so young 19 when I started all feels like a can't deal no more with the lies..the cheating..the fact that he dosnt care for the baby or us but spends money for 20 ppl to flight overseas for his fake wedding to please his parents ..tomorrow I find out the gender of the baby the happiest time of my life..and just all this pain I have in my heart dosnt let me can someone u love hurt u so can he say I'm nothing and deny me and the baby..?I wanted to go tell him the sex to one of his stores ..since he owns furniture stores..but I've decided ..I have to get away n think of the well being of the baby..I can't allow them to mistreat the baby like they did w me ..I will let the lawyer after the baby is born handle the fight for full custody and child just hurts..i love our baby..n I wished he would man up for us..but he didn't and never will