Fed up with ttc. Rant.

Elaine • 32 years old. Married 5 years. Together 13 years. TTC #1.
I am fed up with ttc. This is cycle 9 for me. I know that may seem like not that long, but I feel like it has been an eternity. I have given up coffee (one of my favorite things in the world) for months. I have been only lightly exercising and now Im in the worst shape of my life (I used to be a serious athlete). I feel like I cant talk about this with anyone. It seems like everyone I know get pregnant easily. I waited to have kids until i was financially stable and my husband was ready, and it is just not happening. I think I am going to go back to running for exercise, drinking coffee, and living my life as normal, because everything I have done isnt working. Uggggghhhhh!