Can pregnancy cause blue veins in your boobs?

Was going to bed tonight and my SO took my bra off and realised I had a blue vein going from the top of my boob to my nipple only on my left side though could this be a pregnant symptom along with insomnia, feeling nauseous constantly and cramping in the lower stomach, as well as back pain and headaches? (Sorry for the TMI) 

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Posted at
Let us know if you are pregnant!


Chibria • May 26, 2016
Leanne have you tested again?


Leanne • May 22, 2016
I will update as soon as I know, I took a test yesterday but was neg xx


Posted at
Yes, but you also can get them when you're not pregnant. I had veins show up last month and I was convinced I was pregnant. Went to the doctor and had blood work say no but I still have them everywhere. 


Michelle • May 22, 2016
My hubby just said he could see it in my boobies too my af come on May 31 when should I test


Becka • May 22, 2016
That's how mine were. It was like overnight lol


Leanne • May 22, 2016
Thank you for your comment, they've literally just come out of nowhere x


Posted at
Only 5dpo but having the same symptoms lol , think it's too early for any symptoms though


Leanne • May 22, 2016
Very 😂 will just have to wait and see! But good luck to you xx


Autumn • May 22, 2016
Oh that's weird lol


Leanne • May 22, 2016
I used a few opk's but one day I'd have a positive then a negative then another positive and then a faint positive x