Discouraged 😔

I'm 40 weeks 3 days with my first and im in early labor contractions ar 4 to 6 minutes apart but cervix 1cm and 75% effaced. I've been having contractions for 27 hours ans counting and no dilation still i waiting 18 hours to get checked after they started because i didn't want to be disappointed if i wasn't progresses yet i felt like it wasn't hurting enough (i was right) but my family started to get me a little excited which i was trying to avoid but after so long they convinced me maybe things were happening and i finally agreed to get checked so empty handing i went to the hospital just me and my mom and stayed for about 3.5 maybe 4 hours and they watched the baby and my contractions but they aren't strong enough to make me dilate but are real contractions since they haven't stopped or slowed down so I was told im in early labor and its been several hours since then and still the same 4 to 6 minutes 60 second contractions so I'm feeling super discouraged and upset that my body doesn't feel like its progressing any kind words or tips to boost my mood and i know i hear i need to be happy im gonna have her within the next few days probably but its hard when i feel like im failing somehow im so close but feel so far! Just stuck in the dumps right now 😔
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I've been having contractions 8 minutes apart for the past 5 hours and they are painful. Just wondering what yours felt like if you didn't think they were painful enough? I don't want to go and get checked just to waste time.. I hope your little one decides to come soon, good luck xx


Newby • May 22, 2016
Okay, I'm scared if this is nothing compared to what's to come! Mine are stopping me in my tracks but I'm worried I just have low pain tolerance. They feel a lot worse than period cramps so fingers crossed there progressing me. Hope everything goes well for you 😘


Julie • May 22, 2016
also thank you!


Julie • May 22, 2016
mine were like painful period cramps at around a 4/10 maybe im not use to this type of pain so its hard for me to rate it but they aren't stopping me in my tracks just slow me down ya know? that was a reason of my too though so i totally feel ya and i hope your dilating faster