Implantation bleeding? TMI

I'm 12 DPO today and AF is due tomorrow. Yesterday at 11 DPO I had intense cramping for 4-6 hours in the evening in my right pelvic area. When I wiped there was pinkish but more red colored blood. When I wiped later it was more of a brown yellow mucus. I'm experiencing nothing today. I have a feeling this is AF bleeding but I've never had anything like this before and I am very regular 28-29 day cycle since I was 12 y/o. I also heard implantation bleeding can't be red which mine was so I don't know. Can someone offer me some advice? This last two days have been an emotional roller coaster for me. 😕 all tests up to 11 DPO have been BFN. I didn't test today because I think I should just wait now until the day after tomorrow. Thanks ladies. 

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