Pregnancy brain?

So I don't know what is up with me lately but I feel boarder line retarted sometimes. I'm not meaning any offense to anyone who is actually mentally retarted. So don't jump on me about using the word retard. 
Anyways. Like I forget everything. I drop everything. I feel like an air head. 
I can't even remember how to do my eye liner and that is like not even possible. I've been doing makeup since I was 12. And I'm good at it. Like. Wings on point. 😂 and for the last few days I have looked like one of those emo kids with the thick ugly eyeliner. 😭😭😭😭😭 like why? Why can't I do the easiest of things. ? I've heard that pregnancy brain is not even real but it sure as hell feels real to me. 😣🔫