Pullout method during fertile days?

Okay so I'm 16 and my boyfriend and I have had sex 3 times within my ovulation week and just used the pull out method. I have researched so much and have gotten a big combo of the pull out method doesn't work and is the least effective method of birth control vs the people who say the pull out method has worked for years for them. Every time we've had sex, we've had a second round, within a couple minutes of each other, and without him peeing first. He doesn't think I'm pregnant, but I feel like there's a very big chance that I could be, and as appealing as a baby sounds, I'm 16, in school with very conservative parents, and honestly would most likely get kicked out if I turned out to be pregnant. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I turned out to be pregnant. Am I overthinking it or is there a possibility that I'm pregnant?