Day 49.. no BFP or AF!


Ok so I have never messaged on here before but I need to vent to someone!

My husband and I have been TTC for 5 months (not long I know) but this month AF just has not shown up. My last AF was on 4th April. I have done countless tests and all are BFNs 😣 I also had slight brown spotting on 9th May. I think I ovulated on 3rd May.

My cycles are usually fairly long and irregular, ranging from 32 days to 41 but averaging 36. I went to the docs last week to talk about my strange cycle and she has referred me for an ultrasoundon the 31st and hormone blood tests tomorrow. But when I saw her I was only one day late for AF so I didnt mention it. I dont think the blood test tomorrow will test for pregnancy.. do you think I can ask the nurse to get them to test for that too? I am getting so fed up of no AF and BFNs!

I have had lots of cramping and pinching in my lower abdomen just like AF was coming, but it hasn't. I haven't had any other possible pregnancy symptoms.

As a bit of background.. I am 31, 6ft 1 and fairly curvy. I am trying to lose weight to help fertility. Also 4 years ago I had a large cyst on an ovary that was removed laproscopically with no complications. I wonder if I have a cyst again.

Thoughts anyone? Could I still be pregnant? Did I just not ovulate this month? Why did I get spotting? So confused! I have never had a cycle this long before.

Thanks for any comments.