
I'm currently pregnant with my 3rd baby! I had epidurals with both my other babies, but I've had horrible experience where they just don't work! (Especially with my 18 month old) so my question is anyone here with experience and natural labor? And what is your take on it? I have done some research but I want so feed back from someone who he actually done it! 
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I had a natural birth with my daughter two years ago. It was the most amazing experience of my life! I plan to do the same with my baby boy this October (as long as he's healthy, no interventions are needed, etc.) I would highly suggest meeting with a childbirth educator to learn of what to expect (stages of labor) and pain management. My husband and I found an instructor who did one-on-one classes, but there are also classroom settings if you prefer. Knowing what to expect and how to handle it made it such an incredible experience for my hubby and me. Best of luck!!


Posted at
Had an epidural for the first but wore off when it was time to push. Felt everything! This time I'm trying for natural. If I can tolerate the ending then I'm hoping I can do start to finish this time. We shall see tho 😊 


Mandi • May 23, 2016
Thank you!


Mandi • May 23, 2016
Fingers crossed! I seen your comment, I'm going to look into classes and talk to my midwife about techniques for pain management 😊


Jayne • May 22, 2016
If you can handle the end, I bet you can totally handle it! Best of luck!!


Posted at
I had natural (not by choice ) for my second it was super painful but i survived. My first was epidural and in some ways easier but my son did need assistance to come out. This time round will opt for epidural but i am a big baby.


carina • May 23, 2016
totally makes sense. the pushing part they do reduce the meds so you can push. epidural is really only for the contractions


Caitlyn • May 22, 2016
My second it only worked on one side and wore completely off 2 hours before I had her and I felt the complete pushing part but not the contractions leading up to that on both sides if that makes since


Posted at
I had a natural birth with my second baby, didn't know I was in labor lol but it wasn't they bad. I'm currently 19 weeks with my last little one and plan on going all natural. We've opted to have a hydrotherapy labor which I'm really excited about about !! My doula has been amazing in teaching me breathing techniques to deal with pain and I've got a pretty high tolerance for it. I had an epidural with my first and third, and labor was so long. And by the time I had to push I would still feel alot lol