Is It Works! Stretch mark cream safe to use while you're still pregnant?

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I'm a distributor, and yes it's safe! :-) I have used it my whole pregnancy and got no new stretch marks since my last. So happy! Nothing worked last time!


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I have been using Spoiled Mama tummy butter and oil. Pregnancy safe, organic, etc etc. no marks yet but still have 5 weeks to go 😁


Posted at
My SIL sells IT WORKS and she is a stickler for making sure everyone can use it.. With me being 38 weeks she has checked and is pretty positive that we can use it... I have used it a few times...


Posted at
My SIL sells IT WORKS and she is a stickler for making sure everyone can use it.. With me being 38 weeks she has checked and is pretty positive that we can use it... I have used it a few times...