Anyone else??

37 weeks tomorrow. My stomach and back are KILLING me. Stomach is sensitive to the touch. Last time I was checked baby was breech. I don't know how much more I can take of this though 😫😫
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I'm 37 weeks 2 days and absolutely miserable. I went to 42 weeks with my son and I was never this miserable. Every part of my body hurts. I can never get comfortable and I have 0 energy and 100 things to get done!! I feel awful for as much as I hate being pregnant right now because I know it's a blessing but OMG am I ready to have this baby!!!


Jennafer • May 23, 2016
Yesss!!! I feel so bad for complaining to people bc this baby is a blessing, but I'm over it


Posted at
I'm having a much harder time with baby #2! I was induced at 37 weeks with my daughter and never had any cramps before then or anything. I'm 36 weeks now and I can't sleep comfortably ever and I've got bad cramps. Baby's head is so low it's pushing on my lady parts and it's so painful


Jennafer • May 23, 2016
Aww :/


Bethany • May 23, 2016
Yeah but she didn't want to open her eyes much for 3 weeks after. she just slept A LOT


Jennafer • May 23, 2016
Ahh okay! That's good that she was a good weight though.


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Btw, this is my 2nd baby. First one was nothing like this