What would you do?

Should I stop breastfeeding? Both of my daughters have reacted badly to many many things in my diet while breastfeeding. Both have had dairy sensitivities. Youngest DD is 6 months old. I can't have ANY dairy. She's also sensitive to onions, garlic, chocolate, eggs, peanuts/peanut butter, bell peppers, any cruciferous vegetables, corn, pepperoni, most sausages, and any spicy foods. I can't have too much of tomato based things or foods with a bunch of tomatoes. I'm sure there's more but that's just off the top of my head. She gets formula occasionally (always mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with breastmilk) Mainly, bc we have obligations in the evening, during the week, and I just don't have time to pump enough during the day for full bottles of breastmilk while we are out 3+ nights a week. My goal was 6 months and I'm so happy we've come so far but I'm just getting tired of worrying if something is going to upset her tummy. If your baby had sensitivities when did they outgrow it? Would you just give formula? Bear in mind we'd have to use and do use hypo-allergenic (Hipp organic) = expensive!!