CAN ANYONE HELP' bleeding after period ends 🙈

I was due my period on 1st May it never arrived 7 days passed no sign I took a test was negative' anyway day 12 my period arrived late for no reason but hay ho here's to next month hopefully our time my period was a lot more heavy than it's ever been a lot of stomach pains and cramps and longer than normal 19th was my last day of any show then today 23rs went to toilet in the morning there was a blood clot when I wiped I added a pad nothing on all day only when wiped but was getting redder & redder as day passed still only when wiped 
My question is has anyone ever experienced anything like this or have any advice 🙈 I got 2 negative tests & a period I'm clearly not pregnant but why am I just starting to bleed again nowÂ