
I know I'm very new to all of this. But does anyone have any suggestions what so ever? It seems like I'm alway bleeding! I got my iud out on May 5th after having my first one for 5 years so this was number 2 and had it for 16 months. My dr thought I had endo but did laparoscopic to see and he said i have a beautifu uterus and tubes. He said I shouldn't have any problems what so ever getting pregnant. And so got my iud out and this is what it has been like for the last few weeks. Any help? I had so many symptoms I thought -acne, back pain, cramping off and on, cm off and on, horrible mood swings, headaches, fatigue like crazy. My boyfriend looked at me yesterday and I burst into tears. Just sobbing. For no reason besides I felt ugly because of my pimples. But maybe it's just all from getting my IUD removed. I'm just frustrated. I have no idea when i ovulate except this last Thursday I got really crampy on my left side by my ovary but then AF decides to show up Sunday. But the weird thing is on the 9th when I started it was after sex. And same on the 22nd. How do you women do it that are so irregular?? I am constantly obsessed with it.