Headaches help

Cheryl • So blessed
Hi ladies 9weeks and having horrible headaches iv tried drinking water taking paracetamol nothing is working i feel luke iv got the worst hangover of my life im so miserable please help anyone going through this? Any remedies
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I have had the same issue its been nonstop just about every day my best bet after using Tylenol and a few allergy meds is just an ice pack just go lay down and put it right where you feel your headache. Only thing that helped me 


M D • May 25, 2016
i was going to say the same thing.


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Tylenol & benadryl. Lots of water. Rest. Ginger candy (helps with nausea but has also helped my migraines at times). Ginger tea. Peppermint can help too. Mygrastick (it has peppermint & lavender essential oil in it), I rub it on my temples & neck. Also you can experiment with ice & heat. It varies person to person but I like heat on my neck with ice on my forehead.


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I have really bad migraines when I'm not pregnant as they run in my family. My mom mentioned that there's a safe prescription that you can take. I haven't had a chance to discuss with the doctor yet, but maybe give them a call? They told me I could take 650mg of Tylenol every 4 hours but sometimes that just doesn't cut it!